Replace or Repair Sash Windows?

Period properties are highly desirable and buyers are willing to pay a premium for authentic historic detailing. The retail value is just one reason why it is important to retain original features. These characteristics are integral to the look and feel of the building. Remove them and you are left with a bland structure.


Sash windows are one of the highlights of historical homes. Dating back to the late 1600s, they were a feature of modern Georgian homes. Sash windows, in a variety of forms, remained popular for around 200 years and are therefore important to the UK’s architectural heritage.

Routine Care of Sash Windows

You may be fortunate enough to own a property with sash windows and if so, it is important to take care to preserve them. For a start, regular cleaning and repainting is essential for protecting the wooden frames.

It is important to take care not to restrict the natural movement of the upper and lower sashes. The best advice is to remove the lower sash before painting. If multiple layers of paint are restricting the movement of the window, it is time to strip and prime prior to painting.

At times minor repairs may be carried out as part of the routine care of your windows. As an
example, if the frames are stiff it may be necessary to realign the position of the stop bead, adjust the sash weights or lubricate the pulleys. This should be sufficient for improving the movement.

Damaged or Rotten Sash Windows


It is relatively common to find damaged sash windows, or those with rotting frames. In some cases the sash cords, pulleys or a pane of glass may need replacing. This is a relatively straight forward process.

If the wooden frame is rotten, do not despair. In the vast majority of cases a specialist can repair sash windows. HINSON Custom Made is one such specialist. Hinson’s skilled carpenters have the knowledge, tools and experience to recondition your windows. If it is beyond repair, Hinson can custom make a replacement sash window, to the exact dimensions and style needed for your home.


Energy Efficiency and Sash Windows

Many home owners are tempted to replace sash windows for more energy efficient options. If you live in a listed building, or conservation area, you have to repair as a priority and replace with an exact replica as a last resort. This restricts the options, however when carrying out repairs be sure to replace draught seals to help.

For other properties, repairs and replacements provide the opportunity to opt for double glazed sash windows. This retains the look, whilst reducing heat loss.

Removing Sash Windows

If you are looking to replace or repair sash windows, the first step is the removal of the frames. It is important to be clear of the process and be careful not to cause further damage. In short the process involves:

- Unscrewing any security fittings and removing the staff bead
- Taking out the lower sash, whilst remembering to take the cords off of both sides. (Knotting
the cords, will prevent them from being pulled through by the weights).
- Removing the parting beads, then taking out the top sash (again with cords being
removed from both sides)
- Carefully storing all parts; minimising the risk of damage and ensuring that everything is at
hand when the windows are re-installed.

It is advisable to engage the services of experienced carpenters or window fitters if you don’t feel confident with doing it yourself.

If you would value advice on whether to replace or repair sash windows, HINSON are happy to
discuss the options. Simply get in touch with Chris on: 01908 516333