Fascinating hidden doors to create in your home in 2022

Secret rooms and hidden doors are the latest trends for 2022

If your childhood was full of exploring and hunting for secret passages and hidden doorways, we know this feeling would have followed you into adult life. There is often nothing more exciting than being able to create a living space or secret compartment that you can shut away and (to the outside eye) it looks like nothing is there. Secret rooms and hidden doors have gained popularity quickly over the last year as more people want to create extra living spaces in their homes that they can hide away. 

This month, Hinson Custom Made take a look at the excitement behind hidden doors and secret rooms and how it may not be difficult to achieve your childhood dreams with the support of a trusted custom made team like Hinson.

The incredible history of hidden doors and their uses

The mystery and fantasy in hidden doors and what lays behind has always been a popular interest for those who look at architectural design and history in general. These hiding spots have been found throughout history, from hidden burial chambers in the Egyptian era to stately homes and castles hiding anything and everything from treasure to libraries. Let's take a look at some of the most common reasons hidden doors have been used throughout history. 

6 reasons why a door may have been hidden in the past

Hide or escape from danger

Unfortunately, the need to hide or escape from danger has been obvious throughout history. From those evading capture for practising catholicism to the harrowing story of Anne Frank during the second world war, being able to escape from danger was necessary and a secret passage through a hidden door was the perfect way to do this. Hidden tunnels have been found across Salem, for women who were trying to escape during the witchcraft hunting of the 19th century. 

Conceal gatherings or worships that were prohibited 

Religion has always been a reason for persecution whether religion was forbidden or misunderstood but hiding spots were a way of being able to practice your religion in secret without fear of being caught or arrested. A big example of this is the famously known priest hole, where priests could hide for up to 3 weeks to prevent being arrested and locked away for practising catholicism. 

Stealthy travel

For those of aristocracy and noble heritage, the importance of being able to leave your stately home or castle without being detected was very appealing. Hidden doors would lead to secret passages out of the home where users could then make a quick getaway without being seen. 

Hide servants away

The appeal of servants and maids in old stately homes was huge in the victorian era, but owners didn't want their staff to be seen trailing through the house throughout the day. Staff should appear and disappear quickly and quietly, without dragging around cleaning materials or carrying plates of food. Hidden doors that lead to other parts of the home along secret corridors was perfect to hide staff away. 

Conceal treasures from thieves 

For the rich and underworld criminals, hiding treasure was a necessity. Those who were rich did not want to advertise their true wealth for all to see, for fear of being robbed and those with a criminal background needed to hide away their spoils to prevent being caught for robberies! 

Protect burial chambers

Using a hidden passage to hide burial chambers from thieves dates back to the Egyptian period. Grave robbers were rife during this time and so the Egyptians would hide burial chambers and the concealed treasure away using hidden doors and trick robbers with a different location.

What your hidden door can reveal in your home 

Fast forward to today and hidden doors are very much popular again. There are many reasons why a homeowner might want to incorporate a hidden space into their home and Hinson Custom Made are the master craftsmen to help create this perfect space. From hidden storage to a tucked-away home office or cinema room, there is sure to be somewhere in your house where you can find the perfect spot to build in a hidden door and room. 

You can make your home far more interesting with the help of a master craftsman, who will create some real masterpieces for you. Hidden doors and secret rooms are just a few of the things Hinson Custom Made can help you create. Amaze your guests and give you a great sense of satisfaction with a false wall leading to an entertainment space or library. Hidden doors or secret doors also come in handy when you want to hide something from others or create a little space that is just perfect for you to use.

hidden doors

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Hinson Custom Made can hide your secrets with bespoke hidden doors

Hinson Custom Made has been supporting clients with their custom made projects for clients and their homes since 1984. Creating the highest quality tailor-made products for our clients is something we are passionate about. Whether you are looking for a secret doorway leading to hidden storage space or a 'non-existent' door that hides your home office from sight, we are the team for you. With a vast knowledge of working with timber, you can be confident that when you meet with one of the owners for your project discussion you will be advised on every step of the project and will receive a professional service every time. 

Get in contact with Hinson Custom Made today and see how we can create the perfect hidden door for you.