Everything you need to know about sustainable wood suppliers

What are sustainable wood suppliers and why are they important?

In order to build your home in an environmentally friendly way, without irresponsible contributing to illegal logging or unethical deforestation, you need to be aware of sustainable wood suppliers and what they represent. Sustainable timber is wood that has been harvested responsibly from a source that is continuously replacing trees and is ensuring no damage to the surrounding environment. Sustainable wood suppliers are easily identified by one of the 3 main certifications that show they are adhering to strict principles relating to the safe production and conservation of forests and the surrounding area: 

FSC - Forest Stewardship Council

CPET - Central Point of Expertise on Timber

PEFC - Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification

As consumers become increasingly aware of the impact of deforestation on the climate and the world in general, they are looking to find companies who are trying to promote the environment and reduce the effects of deforestation. Forests have a direct impact on regulating the climate, reducing Co2 from the atmosphere and producing oxygen - something we need to survive! Without our forests and trees, it's clear that there could be dangerous consequences for the world and those who live there. By working with sustainable wood suppliers, customers can be sure they are supporting companies who guarantee that trees are replaced and the surrounding environment is protected. 

An introduction to the Forest Stewardship Council 

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international organisation that is dedicated to promoting the responsible management of forests around the world. the FSC was founded in 1994 and has grown to be the world's most respected forest certification system. Simply explained, any wood supplier who is FSC certified has been proven to be managing their forest in strict ways that don't have a detrimental impact on environmental, social and economic standards. 

Any forest wanting to achieve FSC status has to adhere to 10 principles in order to receive certification. It stands to reason therefore that any company that is involved in the processing and transporting FSC certified wood must also be FSC certified. Those who are not certified are not able to use the FSC stamp of approval or claim to be sustainable wood suppliers. 

The aim of the FSC and their registered trademarks is to ensure that forests and forest products are used responsibly and with sustainability, conservation and restoration in mind. Each tree that is felled should be replaced, surrounding environments should be protected from any damage and wildlife should be a priority when you are FSC certified. 

Sustainable wood suppliers that positively impact the environment

Choosing the right materials for your project, whether you are extending your home or designing bespoke windows and doors, is incredibly important. Not only will this affect the overall finish of your design, but it could also have detrimental impacts on the environment if you choose to use a material that is not sustainable. Wood is a natural, renewable and sustainable resource that is perfect for home projects and if used more frequently could in fact benefit the environment by removing Co2 from the atmosphere. 

Working with sustainable wood suppliers means you are supporting the environment and economy in a safe and restorative way. Forests working in an unsustainable way are contributing massively to the destruction and deforestation of the world, and if this continues, much of the forests in South America, Asia and Africa could disappear within the next decade. This will of course have huge impacts on the way we live and the air we breathe. 

Sustainable wood suppliers

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Hinson Custom Made uses sustainable wood suppliers for all their projects

Hinson Custom Made are wood craftsmen by trade and we are aware of the impact we could have on the local and wider environment if we don't use sustainable materials that support our world. That's why we ensure we only work with sustainable wood suppliers and all our products are designed and created using FSC certified products. All timber used by Hinson comes from a sustainable source and we adopt strict protocols to ensure the wood we are using and the suppliers we work with are certified with the FSC, PEFC or the CPET. 

At Hinson, we work with clients on a variety of projects from replacing windows and doors, to supporting sustainable barn conversions. Our team of master craftsmen have a multitude of experience working with wood and since our conception in 1984, Hinson has remained a family run business, focusing on creating bespoke timber products for clients to enjoy in their homes for years to come. 

If you are looking for a sustainable wood company to support your next project, contact Hinson Custom Made today to see how we can help.