10 barn conversion ideas to inspire your project in 2022

Finding the perfect barn to start your conversion

Barn conversions are rising in popularity, especially in urban areas where it is difficult to find a suitable property to build a home from scratch. But not everyone wants to live in the city. Sometimes, people want to live in the country but don't want to be too far from the town's amenities. One way to satisfy both desires is to convert a barn into a home. A converted barn provides all the space of a house, with the character of a barn. If you have a keen interest in completing a barn conversion, start by asking yourself where you would like your ideal conversion to be, what kind of land you want around you, and how much you are willing to spend on purchasing the barn.?

Are you remodelling or extending?

The perfect barn is hard to find, even if you have a lot of money. A lot of people have to compromise on the location and the size. But what most people don't know is that you can convert a barn into any property you want. Once you have found the perfect barn, the first thing to decide is whether you need or want to extend the current plan or if you will have enough space just by remodelling the existing space. 

Sourcing reclaimed materials to extend your barn conversion

The thought of taking a beautiful old building and turning it into a home that blends with the character of the building is undoubtedly a big draw for many. However, it's important to remember that throwing up some curtains and wallpaper isn't going to cut it. The details make all the difference - from how the staircase is finished to the colour of the kitchen cabinets. This is where the natural creativity in a project comes into play. A little research into the style of the building, as well as a good eye for detail and a bit of inspiration, is all it takes to make your dream barn conversion a reality.

Try mixing the old and new materials

One way to make your barn conversion stand out from the crowd is to use new materials in unexpected ways. Wood is a classic building material. It's been used for everything from framing houses to building boats. But wood is also versatile, and it can be used in a variety of ways. We are sure that most of your barn will have been constructed using wood, so why not consider bringing in some other materials to complete your barn conversion. Don't just stick to wood as your primary choice. Consider other options that will be a great addition. 

Using custom-made windows and doors

There is nothing quite like purchasing a unique barn conversion before finishing it off with custom-made windows and doors that bring the external area to life. At Hinson Custom Made, our experience lies with creating beautiful bespoke windows and doors that fit perfectly in any home, whether you face onto the street or you have a home in the middle of the countryside. Custom-made windows and doors are perfect for many reasons - not only do they offer protection in an eco-friendly way, but they are also ideal for abnormally sized window and door spaces that off-the-shelf products just don't fit.  

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Bringing the outdoors into your barn conversion

It's natural that with a barn conversion project, you are likely to be surrounded by beautiful countryside. Making the outdoors part of your interior feature is often a popular goal when renovating your dream home. Use natural light, oversized windows and open plan living to create a stunning indoor/outdoor feel for your home. 

Embrace the quirkiness of your barn conversion

Barn conversions are unique and can often become the home of the owner's personality and interests. Some of the best modifications have embraced the quirkiness and character of the existing building. Remodelling a barn conversion is an exciting time for a homeowner but often involves a lot of decision-making. Barns often come with the quirkiness of exposed beams, unique flooring and beautiful wood. Rather than eliminating all the elements that make it unique, why not try incorporating some of the original features in your new home?

Introduce an eco-friendly way of life to your barn

Being environmentally friendly is becoming the new norm. When you embrace the purchase and conversion of a barn, you are already making a conscious effort to protect the environment by reusing a building that has already been built. Why not take this one step further and try to incorporate an eco-friendly way of remodelling and designing your barn conversion? Consider bringing in a vegetable garden, embracing composting and using recycled materials.

Making practical use of the available space

If you plan to convert your barn, you will have to deal with many things. The first thing you'll have to do is to make a list of the tasks that have to be done before you can move your belongings into the barn. You will most likely have to make some repairs and clean the space. The most important thing you'll have to figure out is how to use the area most efficiently. One of the most important things for every homeowner is storage. You will have to figure out where you can store your belongings safely and effectively to have a functional and comfortable space still. 

Where is your natural light coming from?

The location is the most obvious factor to consider when designing a new home or addition. You'll want to think carefully about where you will place the house or addition to ensure that you have enough space that is easily accessible to the main living areas. But one element that is often overlooked is the natural light. It is just as important to consider where your natural light is coming from to ensure that you can make the most of the natural light in the areas where you plan to spend the most time.

Hinson Custom Made supports beautiful barn conversion projects

If you are planning to undertake a barn conversion project this year or have already bought your barn and need trusted suppliers to get your project started, Hinson Custom Made is here to help. We specialise in designing and creating bespoke windows and doors for various projects. For more information about our services and products or to book an appointment to visit our showroom, get in touch with Hinson Custom Made today.